In 1969, a devastating oil spill in Santa Barbara sparked the world’s first Earth Day celebration. Which has led to Santa Barbara’s Earth Day Festival being one of the longest-running Earth Day events in the country!
This weekend, April 27-28, you can join the crowds who will come together to celebrate and support environmental protection at Alameda Park. At the festival you can enjoy a plant-forward food court, beer and wine garden, 200 eco-conscious exhibitors, and a full live music line-up. There will also be plenty of fun activities for kids and families of all ages to enjoy!
As realtors and residents of Santa Barbara, Earth Day holds a special place in our hearts and has remained a longstanding tradition with deep SB roots. We are always looking for great ways to preserve and protect our environment and we’ve recently blogged about some fun ways to do so! Check it out in the links below:
The Sea Center’s Beach Cleanup
Learn more about the Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival here.